Can You Divide DVC Points?

BoardWalk at Disney at night with lights reflecting on the water.

Whether you’re just discovering Disney Vacation Club or you’re a long time Member just getting into the details, there’s a lot to unfold. Many parts of DVC are simple or self explanatory. Then there are the occasional things you need to consult Member Services for. You may find yourself in an even more complex situation, trying to understand the intricacies of the Disney timeshare. We’re taking a closer look at dividing DVC points. Is it possible to split a Disney Vacation Club contract? Can you divide your DVC points among different people? We’re talking about a total disconnect. This is about more than just renting your DVC points out or transferring points to a friend or family member. Here are the options.

Can you split up your Disney Vacation Points?

If you are looking to let go of some of your points, you aren’t able to sell or give some of them away. A single Membership can’t be divided. This is true in cases where a couple of Disney Vacation Club Members get divorced as well.

On their website, Disney Vacation Club answers a question about splitting points between a divorced couple this way:

“Your Disney Vacation Club Membership is an undividable deeded real estate interest which means that the total amount of Vacation Points in your Membership cannot be divided, as indicated on the deed.”

The answer goes on to address those with multiple DVC contracts. This is where things change quite a bit.

However, each individual contract can be dealt with separately. So, for example, one Membership with a single contract containing 500 Vacation Points cannot be split. But one Membership containing 2 contracts, each of which contains 250 Vacation Points, could be divided with one individual receiving the first contract, and the second individual receiving the second contract. Some families break up their purchases into multiple smaller contracts for estate planning purposes.”

Can you sell your DVC points?

The best solution for someone wanting to divide their points may be selling DVC. It’s possible to sell your Disney Vacation Club contract in its entirety. If you are still interested in being a Member but want to have your own points, not connected to anyone else, you could purchase another contract.

If it is a divorce prompting you to split a DVC contract, you could also negotiate one person buying the other out if someone wants to keep it. Talk to an Expert about options for selling a contract with the intent of taking over full ownership and the options available to you.

When you sell a DVC contract on the resale market, you’re completely disconnecting from it. This is different from renting your annual allotment of points out which is also an option. Selling DVC is a permanent disconnect with the new owner taking over annual dues.

If you are a long time owner, you might be pleasantly surprised with how much you can make back.

How long does it take to sell DVC points?

How long it takes to sell DVC points will depend on the specifics of the contract. Finding a buyer is the part of the process that’s the least predictable. It could be really fast with someone waiting for a contract like yours. Most contracts sell within a month. Consider details like your home resort and the number of points you own. This could be someone else’s dream contract.

DVC Resale Experts has a wishlist for potential buyers waiting for the right contract to come along.

Once a buyer comes forward and you agree on a price, the process can really start. See a detailed timeline with all parts of the process here: How long does it take to sell DVC?

DVC Resale Experts Can Help

DVC Resale Experts is a licensed real estate broker with a team that specializes in resale DVC. Whether you’re adding on points, buying or selling Disney Vacation Club, the Experts can help you find the right price to place a bid with or list your contract for. Our independent, licensed real estate agents are former Disney Vacation Club Guides. They have decades of pixie dusted experience selling DVC and delight in providing excellent service to their clients. The Experts have seen it all and are happy to answer your questions throughout the process.

See our resale DVC listings for a look at real time availability and pricing.

Get in touch for a complimentary valuation of your specific contract to sell DVC.

Disney Blogger Nicole and Disney CEO Bob Iger

Sparkly Nicole

Nicole is a native Floridian who attended the University of Central Florida and decided to call the land of theme parks home. She’s been sharing magical tips, tricks and Orlando travel and tourism favorites online for over a decade.

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