Selling DVC: Listing Your Contract is This Easy

Gold Disney Vacation Club sign with earth with Mickey ears logo.

The first step to selling DVC is listing your contract. If you’re ready to sell but have been delaying taking action, you should know getting started is much easier than you might imagine. It can actually be done quickly as there are just a few steps to list your contact. The truth is, you already have access to everything you need to sell your DVC points. Providing some simple account related information is all you need to do get started. Here are a few specific things to know about getting your contract listed on the resale market.

Listing Your DVC Points to Sell is This Easy: Here’s How

To sell your DVC contract, you need this basic information.

Your Expert will request what exactly is needed to get started. You can expect to share and confirm basics like:

  • ​Legal names – of everyone on the contract
  • Mailing address – where you can receive mail
  • DVC Membership number – found when you login or on paper work
  • Home Resort – which property is the contract for
  • Point Value – the amount of points you are allotted annually
  • Points Available – A screenshot of your contract activity summary confirming the number of points available from all current use years

Something to consider: Has anything changed about your name since you bought this contract? Is your legal name now different? Or anyone else on the contract? Later in the process, you will need to provide proof of name change.

There may be a couple of other easy to find pieces of information that you need. Basically, you can sign into your Disney Vacation Club Member account and everything you need to know will be there. After talking with an Expert, you can share some simple screenshots to confirm your account information.

You can also easily get started by filling this out for a complimentary valuation to find your DVC contract worth.

The image below shows some information you need to sell your DVC contract.

Example of some basic information needed to sell DVC contract.

Talk to an Expert: Do you have questions about selling DVC?

In reality, the thing holding you back might be that you have questions.

  • What do I have to do to sell my DVC points?
  • How much can I sell my DVC contract for?
  • How long will it take to sell my DVC contract?

You can see our resale DVC listings any time for a look at real time availability and pricing. However, there may not be a contract like yours to compare to. You’ll get tailored answers when talking about your contract specifically. The details matter when estimating what to list it for or guessing how long it might take to sell.

It’s possible to sell your DVC contract remotely from anywhere. It’s even possible in many cases to have notarizations done digitally. How nice to avoid putting that errand on your to do list! If you’ve avoided selling your points because you’ll be traveling or have a busy season coming up, you may not even have this part to consider.

Why is the number of points available important when selling DVC?

The number of points you have available on a contract is different from the annual allotment of points you purchased. You may have just used around the number of points you had every year without banking or borrowing. Many Members bank their points and save them for the next use year or borrow them to use them early. This can have a great impact on the number of hotel stays a potential buyer can use the contract for. If you have unused points that the buyer can use, the contract will be worth more than if it doesn’t. This information is accessible by logging in, hovering over My DVC at the top of your online Membership Portal, then My Vacation Points and View Contract Activity Summary. It’s important to get this number right and your Expert can help you confirm it if you’re not sure. You’ll also want to let your Expert know if the number of points available changes because you book a trip. Contracts can not close if there is a trip pending.

Can you sell my DVC contract quickly?

How long it takes to sell a contract mostly depends on how long it takes to find a buyer. The rest of the process is predictable and consistent. DVC Resale Experts has a wish list with potential buyers waiting for the right contract. It’s possible someone is waiting for a contract like yours.

DVC Resale Experts Can Help You Sell

DVC Resale Experts is a licensed real estate broker with a team that specializes in resale DVC. Whether you’re adding on points, buying or selling Disney Vacation Club, the Experts can help you find the right price to place a bid with or list your contract for. Our independent, licensed real estate agents are former Disney Vacation Club Guides. They have decades of pixie dusted experience selling DVC and delight in providing excellent service to their clients. The Experts have seen it all and are happy to answer your questions throughout the process.

Disney Blogger Nicole and Disney CEO Bob Iger

Sparkly Nicole

Nicole is a native Floridian who attended the University of Central Florida and decided to call the land of theme parks home. She’s been sharing magical tips, tricks and Orlando travel and tourism favorites online for over a decade.

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