DVC Resale Experts is a fantastic resource for Members and potential Members with news, updates and information on buying resale DVC points and selling DVC points. You can also check back here for updates on Walt Disney World and Disneyland rides, restaurants and fun and information you should know about Disney Vacation Club additions, renovations and more. In this post we’re taking a look at some recently spotted Disney Vacation Club merchandise because it’s just plain fun.

You can usually find Disney Vacation Club merchandise at the shop in the DVC area of the resort you’re staying in. This kind of shop also has things like food items and dish soap or other homey finds you might need on a DVC stay. Also check the resort’s main gift shop if there isn’t an additional one near your Disney Vacation Club room.

If your home resort is Disney’s Animal Kingdom Lodge you’re familiar with the Johari Treasures shop in the Kidani Village lobby. This small shop has a little bit of everything. Johari Treasures had a nice selection of Disney Vacation Club merchandise on my December 2021 visit, even featuring an earidescent Disney Vacation Club Member hat for $29.99! Earidescent is the color aesthetic celebrating the Walt Disney World 50th anniversary celebration. and can be found on everything from merchandise to Mickey’s suit to the castle!

There’s also a wintery, preppy collection of Disney Vacation Club Member merchandise featuring a cozy cable knit Spirit Jersey sweater. It comes in white and navy blue and at a price of $99. It’s very cute in person! Honestly the whole collection of similar looking pieces is really nice. There’s a Disney Vacation Club Member crest blanket in a matching navy and gray plaid for $64.99, a tote for $44.99 with different DVC crests and emblems and a matching bag tag for $12.99. You can also find a polo shirt in the same style that’s gray with different DVC emblems printed around it for $59.99. Continuing on with the preppy, collegiate attire, another piece in the set is a collared zip up sweater featuring a sporty Disney Vacation Club Member crest with ‘good times, great places’ and the year ’91 on it. This price is also $59.99 on this one.

In the holiday season of 2021 there’s also a Disney Vacation Club Member ugly Christmas sweater but, as you’d expect, it’s actually adorable. It features snowflakes, Christmas trees, holly and, of course, a castle for $64.99. There’s also a Christmassy tumbler mug with the same style of castle that says ‘welcome home for the holidays’ for $34.99. The same Christmas castle lodge design is found on a green child size Christmas sweater with Mickey that also says Disney Vacation Club Member for $49.99.

Did you know Disney Vacation Club celebrates its 30th anniversary in 2021? I found a game of Operation themed to celebrate the DVC anniversary that featured Disney characters and iconic imagery from the parks and resorts.

It’s so cute, we won’t judge if you buy DVC member merch, even if you’re selling DVC points. I seem to always find a great selection of Disney Vacation Club Member merchandise at Old Key West. Check your resort, or others you visit, on your next magical vacation.