What is a Disney Vacation Club Use Year?

What is a Disney Vacation Club Use Year?

We love Disney vacations around here and it’s likely you do too. Everyone wants to get the most out of their points right? Whether you’re considering becoming a Member through buying resale DVC points or adding on, it’s good to be informed about Use Years and how they work. Here we’re answering the question what is a Disney Vacation Club Use Year and discussing why it’s important. We’re also sharing more information about Use Years to help you make the most of your Disney Vacation Club Membership.

What is a Disney Vacation Club Use Year?

Every Member has a Disney Vacation Club Use Year. There are some differences between buying direct from Disney and buying DVC resale but Use Years work the same for both. The Disney Vacation Club website defines Use Year as:

‘Your Use Year is determined at the time you purchase your Ownership Interest in a Disney Vacation Club Resort and marks the time each year when you receive a new allotment of Vacation Points. It affects when you can bank and borrow Vacation Points, and sets the deadline for certain vacation decisions.’

There are eight different Use Years. This important detail has an affect on your banking deadline.

Use YearLast Day to Bank Points
FebruarySeptember 30
MarchOctober 31
AprilNovember 30
JuneJanuary 31
AugustMarch 31
SeptemberApril 30
OctoberMay 31
DecemberJuly 31

Banking Disney Vacation Club Points

Part of the joy of DVC is the flexibility that comes with booking your vacations. The ability to bank and borrow points does more than just set you up to book trips when you’re ready to. Banking and borrowing points also allows Members to group their points from different years together. Having a higher point value to book with enables you to book longer stays, more stays in a year or bigger accommodations without buying more points. Hello, two bedroom villa! Depending on the number of points you have, banking half of your points might enable you to book a bigger villa bring more of the family. The possibilities are endless with so many resort and room options. So what does banking or borrowing points have to do with Use Year? Disney Vacation Club says, ‘To prevent unused Vacation Points from expiring, you can bank them from the current Use Year to the next.’ Each month it applies we send out a happy little post here on the DVC Resale Experts blog to remind clients and readers to book or bank.

Transferring Disney Vacation Club Points

There are even more options for using points. The DVC site says, ‘You can also transfer them to another Disney Vacation Club Member or to another of your Memberships. However, transferred Vacation Points maintain their original Use Year. If they’re not used by the end of that Use Year, they will expire.’ This is an exciting option for those who may wish to use points more flexibly in combination with another one of their Memberships or with another Member.

Can you have more than one Disney Vacation Club Use Year?

Speaking of having another Membership, let’s talk about having more than one Use Year. It is possible to have more than one Use Year if you have more than one Membership. It’s also possible to have more than one Disney Vacation Club contract and still have just one Use Year.

One of the perks of resale DVC is the transparency of the listings. Each resale DVC listing has all of the information you need to know about that contract including the Use Year. This makes it super easy to have multiple Memberships with the same or different Use Years if you choose to. While having multiple Use Years may open up your options when booking multiple trips throughout the year, it’s easier to have one Use Year when possible. DVC Resale Expert Lauri says, ‘While workable, having a second (or third, etc.) membership number comes with some guidelines and rules about transferring from one membership number to the other. It’s seamless with only one use year and member number, so Disney makes it as easy as possible.’

Read more of the Use Year basics in this post: What Does Disney Vacation Club Use Year Mean?

DVC Resale Experts

DVC Resale Experts is a licensed real estate broker that specializes in resale DVC points. You’ll be delighted with how much you can save buying resale DVC instead of direct from Disney. Our blog is filled with helpful information covering everything you need to know about DVC. Our agents started as Disney Vacation Club Guides and have decades of experience selling DVC points. Work with one of our licensed real estate agents, or Experts as we call them, and you’ll have someone to answer all of your questions and provide helpful insight and guidance throughout the resale process.

Talk to UsFor more information on Disney Vacation Club, its resorts, and the magical vacations you can have at great value by becoming a member through DVC resale, feel free to talk to any of our friendly professionals with DVC Resale Experts at 844-DVC-FANS (382-3267) or email us at Info@DVCResaleExperts.com.
Disney Blogger Nicole and Disney CEO Bob Iger

Sparkly Nicole

Nicole is a native Floridian who attended the University of Central Florida and decided to call the land of theme parks home. She’s been sharing magical tips, tricks and Orlando travel and tourism favorites online for over a decade.

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