Thinking about selling Disney Vacation Club Membership? It’s absolutely possible and it might be easier than you think. The Experts have a simplified process and love to help Members buy and sell DVC. Here’s an overview of how things go.
For clarity, we’ll also refer to selling Disney Vacation Club Membership as selling Disney Vacation Club points or selling Disney Vacation Club contract, too. It all means the same thing. Remember when you sell DVC, it is the entire contract at once. You can not just sell some of your DVC points from a singular contract. If you still want to be a Member, just with a different contract, you can easily buy and sell DVC to make that change.
The Process of Selling Disney Vacation Club Membership
Let’s start with some facts. When you sell a Disney Vacation Club contract, it is a full transfer of ownership. This is different from renting DVC points out to others once. Selling is permanent. When you sell DVC points, you are no longer the owner and your name and information are no longer associated.
When Members first buy their contract, they usually aren’t thinking about how to sell Disney Vacation Club. It’s helpful to know there is a professional real estate industry dedicated to resale DVC and knowledgable people ready to assist.
Selling DVC Membership? Bye bye, Annual Dues
After you sell DVC, you are no longer responsible for annual dues on the contract. The DVC maintenance fees are taken over by the next owner. You, of course, no longer have access to any of the perks you have as a Member when the sale is complete. You should continue paying all annual dues through the selling process. If you have a loan for your Membership, you continue to pay that as well. There’s a good chance someone will be very happy to take over your Membership and enjoy magical vacations with it. If a highlight of selling Disney Vacation Club Membership is leaving annual dues behind, get in touch to get started!

I have a DVC trip booked. Is selling Disney Vacation Club Membership still possible?
If you have a trip booked with your Disney Vacation Club points, you will need to wait until that vacation is over to complete the sale of your Membership. If the trip is quickly approaching, it still makes sense to list your contract for sale right away. When you know you’re ready to sell, you know. However, you might still have that final trip planned which is understandable. The most important thing is that you’re upfront with potential buyers.
For some, this might not be an issue at all. Your trip and the next points available might work out with their travel schedule. For others, though, buying a resale DVC contract and having to wait to use the points might not align with their travel needs. Talk to an Expert about your final trip and when the best time is to list your contract.
The Number of Points Available is Valuable
As for that last trip, if you decide to not use any more points when you’re ready to sell, you can make more money from your contract. The amount of points available determines how much a contract is worth as well. It makes sense considering those extra points can help the next owner book an additional trip or more. When a buyer is looking at contracts, the points available show them how many years they are able to own a contract. For example, if the points for the current use year are available, they can jump right into trip planning when they buy. If the current year’s points have been used and future points were borrowed, that gives them a lot less contract to use. It just makes sense that the number of points available changes the value. If you want to get the most back from your contract, presenting the most points possible is key.
Discovering the Value of Your DVC Contract, Point Values Matter
The number of points on your contract has a great deal to do with how much the contract can be listed for. First, the number of points is multiplied by the per point price to determine the estimated value. It’s also good to know that the number of points on the contract will play a role in the per point price. Contracts with a higher point value will cost a little bit less per point. Smaller contracts usually have a higher than average per point price. We see prices change on the DVC resale market all the time. Get in touch to find out what makes sense for your specific contract.
Buy and Sell Disney Vacation Club with an Expert
There’s always someone selling Disney Vacation Club Membership because their contract is no longer a good fit. It’s nice that there’s that kind of flexibility with DVC. Maybe the contract that used to work so well for your travel habits just isn’t the best for you anymore. That’s ok! People sell DVC all the time and find another contract they like better. Selling Disney Vacation Club points and taking a break for a while might be the right choice for you, too. It will be here when you’re ready.

DVC Resale Experts Can Help with Selling Disney Vacation Club Membership
Not sure where to start with selling Disney Vacation Club Membership? DVC Resale Experts is a licensed real estate broker with a team that specializes in resale DVC. Whether you’re adding on points, buying or selling DVC, the Experts can help you find the right price to place a bid with or list your contract for. Our independent, licensed real estate agents are former Disney Vacation Club Guides. They have decades of pixie dusted experience selling DVC and delight in providing excellent service to their clients. Selling Disney Vacation Club Membership can be easy with the help of a professional. The Experts have seen it all and are happy to answer your questions throughout the process. Talk to an Expert today to find out more about selling Disney Vacation Club points.
DVC resale prices can pleasantly surprise Members interested in buying and selling DVC. See our resale DVC listings for a look at real time availability and pricing. Ready to sell DVC? Get in touch for a complimentary valuation of your specific contract today. There may be someone waiting on our Buyer Wish List for a contract just like yours.
Frequently Asked Questions Related to Selling Disney Vacation Club Memberships
Do I need to find a buyer to sell my Disney Vacation Club Membership?
You do not need to find a buyer when selling Disney Vacation Club Membership. This is one of the highlights of working with a professional when selling DVC. When your DVC resale listing goes live, it can be seen quickly by many interested potential buyers. You can always talk to an Expert upfront about how in demand a contract with your home resort, point value and use year might be at the time. This can help you set realistic expectations and be prepared. It’s possible someone interested in a contract like yours is already in touch with the Experts.
What if I’m selling DVC points but already have a buyer?
If you are selling Disney Vacation Club points and already have a buyer, you are still welcome to use a licensed real estate professional. DVC Resale Experts has all of the tools ready to provide a seamless experience. Your Expert will keep things moving, making sure all necessary documents are signed and submitted. It’s also helpful to have a liaison between you and the buyer so you don’t have to keep track of everything yourself.
What is the best way to sell Disney timeshare?
Working with a licensed real estate broker is the best way to sell Disney timeshare. Disney Vacation Club does not have a resale department. DVC does not evaluate contracts either. They will not sell your contract but they will provide basic information needed to do so. Disney says this: “Members are welcome to sell their Membership either on their own or using a licensed professional.
Members are strongly urged to consult with a licensed real estate agent and/or experienced real estate attorney licensed to practice and in good standing, in the state in which the property is located.”
Can I sell my DVC points for one year?
You can sell your DVC points for a year but it’s referred to as renting. Selling your points means selling the contract entirely. If you just want to sell your points for one year, you’re really renting them out for that year only. There are DVC rental services that can help match you with an interested renter.
How long does it take to sell a DVC contract?
It usually takes about ten to twelve weeks to sell a DVC contract. We have an entire timeline outline in our post how long does it take to sell DVC?